I had bought a "Floating Market and Kwai River" excursion the previous day. This full-day tour cost 550 baht here. I woke up early and was already waiting at 7, although they didn't pick me up until 7:40. The journey there took about 2 hours, probably around 100 km. It makes you wonder if there are any similar places closer by? Overall, it was a very touristy place, with tourist boats often outnumbering the sellers in the boats, and there were souvenir vendors all along the shore.
Olin eelmisel päeval ostnud ekskursiooni "Floating Market ja Kwai River". See terve päeva kestev tour maksis siin 550 bahti. Ärkasin varakult ja olin juba kell 7 ootamas, järele tuldi siiski alles 7.40. Sõit sinna kestis oma 2 tundi, arvatavalt umbes 100 km, huvitav kas lähemal siis ühtegi sarnast kohta polegi? Üldiselt oli see väga turistikas koht, kohati oli turistipaate rohkemgi kui neid müüjaid seal paatides ja nännimüüjaid oli ka kaldal igal pool.
About an hour later, we were placed in another larger boat that raced
through these canals. It turned out that the entire village lived on
stilts about 1 meter above the water surface. A local Venice, I wonder
what happens when it starts to rain heavily...
Umbes tunni aja pärast pandi meid veel ühte suuremasse paati mis siis kihutas mööda neid kanaleid, selgus et terve küla elas seal postide otsas umbes 1 meeter veepinnast. Kohalik Veneetsia, huvitav mis juhtub kui kõvasti vihma sadama hakkab..
Väike video ka kihutamisest.
Well, that floating village adventure finally ended, and now it was on
to the Kwai River Bridge. It is famous because in 1942, it was built by
English prisoners of war who had fallen captive to the Japanese in
Singapore. The Japanese were, of course, known for their cruelty, and
thousands of people died there. The Kwai River itself is very tranquil
and idyllic. Actually, I think this might not be the bridge that those
English prisoners built; it's a later construction.
Noh see ujuvküla sai lõpuks läbi ja nüüd edasi Kwai jõe silla juurde. See on kuulus selle poolest et 1942 aastal ehitasid seda inglise sõjavangid kes Singapuris jaapanlastele vangi olid langenud. Jaapanlased olid muidugi tuntud oma julmuste poolest ja seal hukkus tuhandeid inimesi. Kwai jõgi ise on väga rahulik ja idülliline. Tegelikult see vist polegi see sild mida need inglise vangid ehitasid vaid on hiljem ehitatud.
Seal oli veel ka üks sõjamuuseum mis tuli ka ajaviiteks üle vaadata.
Niimoodi need inglise vangid seal sõjavangis elasid.
Lõpuks käisime veel ka sõjaväekalmistul kuhu need hukkunud sõjavangid maetud on.
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