Hommikul oli esimene asi uus elamine vaadata sest praegune koht Amazing House oli ikka päris jama, isegi tekki ega voodilina ei olnud toas. Enne käisin veel seisvat Buddhat vaatamas sest see asus üsna lähedal.

After the temple, I took a motorbike taxi and went to look for hotels
near Khaosan Road. This time, I wanted to see if I could find a decent
place for backpacker prices, which are usually around 250 to 400 baht.
One hotel was worse than the other, mostly tiny windowless rooms with a
bad smell. After about the tenth room inspection, things started to
improve, and I finally found a reasonably good room with a window at New
Siam Hotel for 260 baht. The room only had a fan for cooling, but it
was manageable. Of course, you could get proper air-conditioned rooms
for around 650 baht, but this time I wanted to try something in that
price range. Later, I checked online and found out that this hotel isn't
even available on Agoda. I moved there and then headed to the famous
Chatuchak Market in Bangkok. I found out from the internet that you
could take bus number 3 to get there, and after a three-quarters of an
hour ride through unfamiliar streets, I arrived. By the way, that bus
even had a wooden floor... The market was large, but I didn't have any
particular shopping goals; I just wanted to take a look. There wasn't
anything particularly special there for me, just a huge market.
Pärast templit võtsin motikatakso ja sõitsin Khaosani lähedale hotelle otsima. Seekord tahtsin vaadata kas seljakotiränduri hinna ehk 250 kuni 400 bahti eest saab mingit normaalset ööbimiskohta või mitte. Üks hotell oli hullem kui teine, enamasti pisikesed ilma akendeta haisvad toad. Pärast umbes kümnendat toavaatamist hakkas asi paremaks minema ja lõpuks leidsingi New Siam hotellis 260 bahtiga päris normaalse, aknaga toa. Tuba on küll ainult ventilaatorijahutusega aga elab üle. Umbes 650 bahtiga sai muidugi korralikke konditsioneeriga tube aga seekord tahtsin prooviks just sellise hinnaga. Pärast vaatasin internetist et seda hotelli miskipärast Agodas saadaval polegi. Kolisin üle ja siis põrutasin seda kuulsat Bangkoki Chatuchaki turgu vaatama. Netist peilisin välja et sinna saab buss nr 3-ga ja tõepoolest pärast kolmveerandtunnist sõitu tundmatutel tänavatel olin kohal. See buss oli muideks veel puupõrandaga... Turg oli suur aga eesmärgiks polnudki midagi osta vaid lihtsalt üle vaadata. Midagi erilist seal minu jaoks tegelikult polnud, lihtsalt üks tohutu suur turg.

After returning from Chatuchak, I took a taxi to Dusit Zoo and then
walked to visit the Marble Temple. Finally, I headed to Khaosan Road,
which is about 300 meters from my hotel. The bus ride to Chatuchak
Market cost 7 baht, and the return trip with two taxis cost about 120
baht, which is approximately 3 euros. The distance is about 7 to 8
kilometers, and the ride was half the price compared to Estonia. Here is
the Marble Temple.
Pärast Chatuchakist tagasi tulles sõitsin taksoga veel Dusit Zoo loomaaeda ja sealt jalgsi Marble templit vaatama ja lõpuks Khaosan Roadile mis asub umbes 300 meetrit minu hotellist. Minek Chatuchaki turule bussiga läks siis 7 bahti ja tagasitulek kahe taksoga umbes 120 bahti ehk 3 eurot, kaugus peaks olema umbes 7..8 kilomeetrit, sõit oli poole odavam kui Eestis. Siin on see Marble Temple.
Here is Khaosan Road, which is also a large market and world-famous for
backpackers to chill. Even though it's not the peak season, there were
hundreds or even thousands of tourists there.
Siin siis Khaosani tänav mis ise on ka üks suur turg ja maailmakuulus seljakotirändurite chillimise koht. Kuigi pole just hooaeg oli turiste seal sadades või isegi tuhandetes.
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