Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Viimane päev Bangkokis


Here in Bangkok, life is like in the anteroom of a sauna. Currently, it's showing 35°C, Feels Like 42°C.In the morning, I first went to see a temple near Khao San Road. There were beautiful golden pagodas there, almost like the ones near the Grand Palace.

Siin Bangkokis on elu nagu sauna eesruumis, hetkel näitab  35 °C  Feels Like 42 °C, 
Hommikul läksin kõigepealt Khaosani lähedale ühte templit vaatama, sellised ilusad kuldsed pagoodid  olid seal, peaaegu samasugused kui Kuningapalee juures.

Then I went to exchange some money to convert my Thai baht back into euros. It's not as easy as it sounds; most currency exchange points, especially smaller ones, don't deal with euros, and you can only buy foreign currency at larger bank branches. I happened to be in Chinatown, and a bank's currency exchange office there suggested going to a travel agency to exchange money. After some wandering around, I found it in Chinatown. It was quite amusing – about 8 money changers were sitting behind a long table, asking for the exchange rate from the back and then passing your money to the rear, where euros were handed back. The exchange rate was actually quite good. Chinatown itself is like this.

Seejärel läksin raha vahetama et oma Thai bahtid tagasi eurodesse saada, see polegi nii kerge, enamustes rahavahetuspunktides eriti eurosid ei ole ja valuutat osta saab ainult suuremates pangaosakondades. Olin parasjagu Chinatownis ja  ühest panga rahavahetuskontorist soovitati mingisse reisibüroosse raha vahetama minna. Pärast mõningast seiklemist leidsingi selle sealt  Chinatownis üles, päris naljakas oli seal, pika laua taga istus umbes 8 rahavahetajat kes tagantpoolt  valuuta kurssi küsisid ja siis sinu raha tahapoole andsid kust eurod vastu anti. Vahetuskurss oli tegelikult päris hea. Chinatown ise on sellline

 On my way back to the hotel, I started taking the bus, and it was driving parallel to the river where Wat Arun, the Temple of Dawn, could be seen. Although I had been there before, I still got off the bus to have another look. I began with a short boat ride across the Chao Phraya River, which cost 3 baht :).

Tagasi oma hotelli hakkasin ka bussiga tulema , buss sõitis paralleelselt jõega kus paistis Wat Arun, Koidutempel. Kuigi olin seal juba varem käinud , hüppasin ikka bussist maha et uuesti üle vaadata. Alustuseks väike paadisõit üle Chao Phraya jõe, 3 bahti :).

There are quite steep stairs leading up there, and the upper staircase has about a 60-degree incline, making the descent quite daunting. Wat Arun is also one of those places that should definitely be visited when in Bangkok.

Sinna üles viivad päris järsud trepid, ülemine trepp on oma 60 kraadi tõusu ja sealt allatulek on üsna jube. Wat Arun on ka üks sellistest kohtadest mis tuleks kindlasti Bangkokki külastades ära vaadata.

Seal Wat Aruni ees võib lasta endast  tai rahvariietes kena pilti teha

Wat Arunist tagasi Khaosanile sõitsin laevaga, 3 peatust oli vist. Nojah, kolasin  seal Khaosani kandis veel veidi ringi, eks ta ole paras hullumaja nii päeval kui öösel..

Siin saab ka duriani süüa ;)

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